Diary dates
Check back regularly for updates.
Our Workshop is open
For all members, students, teachers and visitors, when entering the CCPS workshop please be responsible for yourself and considerate of others.
NOTE: If you have any sign of cold or flu symptoms, please do not attend the workshop until your symptoms have ceased. If you have tested positive for COVID-19, before returning to the workshop, you need to be free of symptoms and complete any self-isolation period in line with current government regulations.
• Members must use the Hand Sanitiser (supplied) when they enter the building and sign in.
• They must also sign themselves out when leaving the workshop.
• Social distancing needs to be observed.
• All members to bring in their own towel for clay work.
• Morning/afternoon tea to be eaten in the kitchen with the door closed in line with social distancing protocols, or alternatively, eat on the verandah.
• Masks preferred to be worn by all members (own mask).
• Members are to clean and sanitise their table after use. Also, their workspace and equipment, then spray with sanitiser (supplied).
Drop-in times:
Monday 10.00am - 8.00pm
Tuesday 10.00am – 2.00pm
For all members, students, teachers and visitors, when entering the CCPS workshop please be responsible for yourself and considerate of others.
NOTE: If you have any sign of cold or flu symptoms, please do not attend the workshop until your symptoms have ceased. If you have tested positive for COVID-19, before returning to the workshop, you need to be free of symptoms and complete any self-isolation period in line with current government regulations.
• Members must use the Hand Sanitiser (supplied) when they enter the building and sign in.
• They must also sign themselves out when leaving the workshop.
• Social distancing needs to be observed.
• All members to bring in their own towel for clay work.
• Morning/afternoon tea to be eaten in the kitchen with the door closed in line with social distancing protocols, or alternatively, eat on the verandah.
• Masks preferred to be worn by all members (own mask).
• Members are to clean and sanitise their table after use. Also, their workspace and equipment, then spray with sanitiser (supplied).
Drop-in times:
Monday 10.00am - 8.00pm
Tuesday 10.00am – 2.00pm
Sun 10 Nov 10.00-2.00pm Sunday Drop In
Tues 12 Nov @ 2.00pm Management Committee meeting
Wed 13 Nov @ 6.30pm CCPS Annual General Meeting
Sat 16 & Sun 17 Nov 8.30am - 3.00pm CCPS Sales Weekend (moved from October)
Sun 24 Nov 10.00-2.00pm Sunday Drop In
Thur 28 Nov @ 9.30am Set up for Xmas Exhibition
Fri 29 Nov - Wed 11 Dec CCPS Xmas Exhibition @ Community Gallery
MC Meeting - to be advised
Fri 29 Nov - Wed 11 Dec CCPS Xmas Exhibition @ Community Gallery
Sun 8 Dec 10.00-2.00pm Sunday Drop In
Sun 15 Dec 10.00-2.00pm Sunday Drop In (TBC)
Mon 16 Dec Last drop in day for the year
Tues 17 Dec Christmas lunch
Mgmt C'tee meeting - date to be decided
Sat 1 Feb 9.30am - 12.30pm Working bee
Mon 3 February Drop-in starts
Below are some pictures from past events. Please keep an eye on this page as it gets updated regularly.
Images - Left to right
Lighting the pit firing 2019
Front: Andy Nichols, Lesley Weber, Connie Keith, Jean Miller, Anniss Seymour, Denise Gonzales, Wendy McLean.
Back: Kristin Firth, Katherine Simmons, Jill Cleary , Lyn Hilton, Joy Nagy.
Unpacking the pit firing - Lesley Weber, ACOS | CCPS Open Day 2019.
Preparing clay for throwing - Clara Steinthal and Connie Keith, ACOS | CCPS Open Day 2019.
Photos: Kylie Rose McLean
Lighting the pit firing 2019
Front: Andy Nichols, Lesley Weber, Connie Keith, Jean Miller, Anniss Seymour, Denise Gonzales, Wendy McLean.
Back: Kristin Firth, Katherine Simmons, Jill Cleary , Lyn Hilton, Joy Nagy.
Unpacking the pit firing - Lesley Weber, ACOS | CCPS Open Day 2019.
Preparing clay for throwing - Clara Steinthal and Connie Keith, ACOS | CCPS Open Day 2019.
Photos: Kylie Rose McLean